Saturday, January 16, 2010

seminggu d surgikal , 3 mnggu d ortho .
then ke medikal 3 mnggu .
ortho da abes , td last d ortho .
bile na bes kat medikal lak neh ??

hee , td slm3 nan satf nurse sume ,
sempat3 la mnx maaf , say tengs sume .
yeah , neh gmba3 happneng kteowg kat wad .

wif clinical instructor (c.i) ak,
bbelit lidah ak na speking enlish nan dea .
from filipin kowt .
dea laa jge kteowg kat wad , kire cm cikgu laa .

hee , hari first da ingat name ak ,
besh ouh nan dea , spoting gile .
enjoy lg laa .

haa , neh story betol punye .
kaki dea tade due due .
hurm , tana ckp myk2 laa.
full stop .
act , myk bnde lg kteowg tengok and blaja .

hee , staff nurse besh gile .
hee , bz jea smedang .

again and again .
hee , tempat ak keje laa .

abes sudaa .
pas neh wad laen plak ,
hee , ortho the bes .